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Five Amazing Life Hacks For A Healthy Sleep

Life Hacks For A Healthy Sleep

Healthy sleep is one of the greatest blessings of nature. It is not only necessary for the healthy working of a body but also for a healthful mind. People suffering from sleeping disorders bear great discomfort. Their personal, social, and professional lives are all highly affected. They often lack focus and concentration and therefore cannot give their best most of the time.

Sleeping disorders are often thought to be treated with medicines. However, this isn’t the case always. You can fix some problems by adopting a few healthy habits. This article discusses some amazing life hacks for healthy sleep. These tricks can work to improve your sleeping problems by all-natural means.  

Manage your light exposure during the day and night

Every person has a natural circadian rhythm affecting his/her body, brain, hormones, etc. Exposure to bright daylight energizes your body and keeps the rhythm smooth and healthy. Numerous scientific studies report that healthy light exposure, on a daily basis, improves the efficiency, quality and duration of sleep among people. Therefore, people suffering from sleeping issues are recommended to increase their exposure to natural light during the day. 

On the other hand, this exposure has the opposite effect during night time. According to studies, Increased exposure to light at night can impact your circadian rhythm, tricking your brain to think it is the day. Also, it lowers the production of sleep-promoting hormones. Thus, it is advised to keep your light exposure minimum, for healthy and deep sleep, at night. 

Avoid caffeine in the evening

Caffeine is popularly known to increase energy, focus, and performance of a person. It stimulates your nervous system keeping it active and energized. So if you’re having trouble sleeping and you drink anything with caffeine during the day, reducing your caffeine intake (especially in the evening) is an obvious first step.

Healthy sleep is only possible when our bodies and minds are relaxed and calm before bed. Caffeine and other stimulates can inhibit this relaxation and worsen their sleep quality.       

Nap for the right amount of time

Short naps are powerful. They energize your body for an active state of work and are thus recommended during the day. On the other hand, long and irregular naps can hamper your sleep by disturbing the internal clock of your body. Also, such naps are not energizing. The person is likely to feel tired and sleepier after the nap is over. So if your sleep is troubling you at night, minimize your naps during the day.

Optimize the environment of your room

The quality of sleep highly depends on the atmosphere of the room you are sleeping in. Thus, it is necessary to optimize the environment of the room before going to sleep. Try to keep the temperature within optimum ranges. The room should not be very cold or hot. The bright lights in the room shall be turned off. Avoid sleeping in dusty or overly dry or humid environments.

Switch to a more comfortable mattress for better quality sleep and reduced back pain and neck and shoulder pressure. Try to take a bath before bed and prefer reading a book. Don’t use laptops or mobile phones in bed. Reduce your screen exposure so that your mind can relax.

Keep your sleep-wake cycle consistent      

In order to keep your circadian cycle in a smooth rhythm, keep your sleep-wake cycle consistent and aligned. Consistent sleeping and waking hours can improve the quality of your sleep. Fix your time for going to bed and finish all your work before it. Go to sleep in a relaxed state of time. Practice it daily and avoid irregular sleeping patterns.

If you commit to adopting all of these habits sincerely, you’ll not only have a better sleep but a healthier lifestyle too.