Business, Technology,

4 Important Factors to Consider for Installing Explosion Proof Light Fixtures

explosion proof lighting

A hazardous environment can be triggered with occurrence of sparks and overheating of electrical equipment. Explosion proof lighting are specifically designed for industries having potentially explosive atmospheres to ensure safety of the workers and environment in stringent working conditions.

The durable housing material of explosion proof light holds the ignition inside and resists breakage to avoid terrible consequences of dangerous explosions. Standard certified bodies classify and regulate electrical equipment for commercial use to minimize the risk of fires and explosion.

Explosion proof technology plays a significant role in making equipment practical and feasible for typical process operations. Proper ratings for exposure to high temperatures and pressures ensure that the equipment can be installed safely in areas it has been classified for. Standard lighting equipment cannot be used to illuminate areas where explosive materials are present as it can become a source of ignition resulting in a massive explosion. Therefore, it is critical to take into account the following properties of lighting equipment before installing them in hazardous locations.

Thermal Performance

Explosion proof lights are constructed with a durable casing and advanced thermal control mechanisms to dissipate heat built within the casing. Some materials such as copper free housings and double folded aluminum have thermal friendly properties to enhance explosion proof nature of light fixtures. Moreover, LED lights also pose less of an issue in regard to their efficient operation in explosive environments.

Mechanical Properties

The robust housing material design of explosion proof light fixtures tolerates high pressures and shocks in order to work effectively in hazardous locations. The fixture is not completely sealed but does not allow hot gases and flame to escape until they no longer pose threat for the surroundings. Careful attention is given when these fixtures are designed so that they are built tolerant to extreme working conditions. These are strongly built using high quality materials to endure stresses which usually add up to their cost.

Compatibility with Flammable Materials

Exposure to different type of flammable materials and its severity is certainly important when you have to install electrical equipment in a hazardous area. Using subpar lighting fixtures to minimize the costs for the time being is simply not the solution as the potential damage can cost you much more than what you intend to save. Likewise, harsh chemicals may also deteriorate equipment installed in areas with flammable materials if they are incompatible. The levels of compatibility between materials and chemical substances should be validated by a project designer to ensure smooth operations from technical point of view.

Handling Procedures

Since it is impossible to remove all potential ignition sources from industrial processes, it is crucial to handle flammable materials with extreme care to minimize the risk of fires and explosions. Explosion proof lights have a wide range of application in chemical processing plants, oil refineries, food processing plants, paint spray booths, aircraft maintenance, and enclosed fueling stations. The workers are trained to follow carefully designed standard operating procedures for dispensing flammable materials to ensure safe working environment.

Patriot LED provides an outstanding service for all your residential, commercial, and industrial lighting needs. They have expert lighting consultants to help you complete lighting projects efficiently. They have a wide range of aesthetically designed products to enhance the productivity of any space by cutting energy costs.